Monday, June 11, 2012

HSC Result 2012 In Bangladesh
HSC Result 2012 publication in Bangladesh is now a matter of time. HSC Exam 2012 (optionally known as Higher Secondary School Certificate Examination) has been finished a few days ago. This year in  2012 HSC examination has taken longer to finish then usual because of some political struggle.
However, students who’ve attended in the examination are most probably waiting for their HSC result 2012 along with their friends and family. The good news it that HSC result 2012publication date has been announced and In this year the result is going to be published on last week in July.

HSC Result 2012 Publication Date
HSC Result 2012 and all it’s equivalent examination result will be published at the same day. We’ve also got an official announcement about the publication date of HSC Result 2012. As per declaration, the result will be published in the last week of July.

Most probably, HSC Result 2012 Bangladesh will be published on 28th July, 2012. Though the result can also be published early on 26th July. 
Dhaka Education Board Chairperson Prof. Fahima Khatun said in the press conference. ”Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid will announce the result through a press conference at the ministry after handing over the copy of the results to the Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.”

HSC Exam 2012 Statistics
A total of 779,441 candidates participated in HSC examination 2012. There were 424,823 male students alongside 354,618 females. The number of examinees was 629,619 in eight general education boards, 76,957 in Madrasa Education Board and 68,961 under Technical Education Board.
The HSC exam started at 1st April, 2012 and finished lately in 23th May.

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